Wondering Why Your Aquarium Stinks? Know Why and How to Fix It

Wondering Why Your Aquarium Stinks? Know Why and How to Fix It

An aquarium brings life and beauty to any space, offering a peaceful underwater environment. However, if your tank starts emitting a foul smell, it’s a sign of an imbalance in the ecosystem. A smelly aquarium is not only unpleasant but can also indicate poor water conditions that may harm your fish. Understanding the reasons behind the odor will help you maintain a healthy and fresh aquatic habitat.

Why Does Your Aquarium Smell?

It should be noted that too strong or easily recognizable smells should not be present in a proper aquarium. If so, there are some issues that need correction or attention to be paid to them immediately. The following are the main causes of ammonia smell in the tank:

1. Accumulation of Fish Waste and Uneaten Food

A common factor that contributes to the emission of a foul smell in tanks is the accumulation of organic matter in the tanks in large amounts. The fish also eject wastes, and when mixed with the unconsumed feeds, it begins to rot. This leads to the breakdown of the organic matter with the formation of ammonia, which has a characteristic sharp and unpleasant smell.

This is aggravated by overfeeding because the food ferments at the bottom of the tank when it is not digested. It also pollutes water and increases bacterial growth, enhancing the odor as well.

2. Dead Fish Decomposing in the Tank

A dead fish in the tank is a cause of smell, and it is a major one. In the case of the death of a fish, it becomes a source of pollution since it starts decaying and, in the process, emits toxic gases such as ammonia and some sulfur compounds. The following are some of the aspects that cause the formation of the stench and can very quickly make the tank environment fatal to other species.

The tank should be observed frequently, especially if the density of fish in the tank is high or where there are some dark corners where a dead fish may decompose.

3. Decaying Plant Matter

Live aquarium plants are sometimes characterized by the shedding of their leaves because of one reason or another. Nevertheless, if these dying leaves are left within the tank, they lead to the production of a bad odor once they start decomposing. When plant material is organic, it releases an odor that is described as earthy or musky when it is decomposing.

Algae formation also brings about the formation of bad odours from the water body. They are formed by overfeeding and lack of control of feeding and light, and they emit a stench of swamp when they decay.

4. Inadequate Filtration and Poor Water Circulation

Filtration is one of the major issues that, due to a lack of a filtration system, the wastes and toxic materials accumulate in the water, resulting in odor. For example, some of the functions include cleaning the fish tank in order to eliminate any particles of food that may be found within the tank, fish droppings, and other wastes. However, if the filter is blocked or the size is not proportional to that of the tank, it will not work, and all sorts of impurities will decompose in water.

In addition, there is inadequate water circulation, which implies that there are some sections of the tank that are full of waste. These areas become suitable for the growth of anaerobic bacteria, which produce hydrogen sulfide, a gas that has an obnoxious smell like that of eggs that have gone bad.

5. Bacterial Imbalance Leading to Anaerobic Bacteria Growth

Probiotics can be used in a healthy aquarium to enhance the activity of the natural bacteria to break down wastes. However, if there is an imbalance in the bacteria, undesirable bacteria are produced, and they lead to the production of gases that have a bad odor.

Facultative anaerobes, which have the ability to grow in a low-oxygen environment, are usually found in layers of sludge or in tanks that have low aeration. These bacteria produce H₂S, which has the characteristic smell of a rotten egg. If your tank has this type of smell, then the substrate is compressed and does not receive enough oxygen.

6. Overcrowding of Fish Leading to Excess Waste

Overcrowding of the aquarium is discouraged as it leads to the quick build-up of dirt and smell within a short span of time. This means that more fish result in more production of waste, and if the tank has a filtration system that cannot handle the waste, toxins are formed. It not only gives out a bad odor from the ammonia derived from the fish waste but also creates an unhealthy environment for the fish.

It also lowers the rate of dissolved oxygen in water and, therefore, increases the rate of growth of anaerobic bacteria, which makes the smell worse.

7. Stagnant Water and Poor Aeration

Circulation of water in an aquarium is necessary so that the oxygen is well distributed in the aquarium. Water that is still not aerated makes it possible for bacteria to develop bad odors by releasing gases. Inadequate aeration also causes the growth of algae, which results in the smell of the swamp.

To counteract these issues, one can install an air pump or use a better-quality filter that will result in a water flow.

8. High Levels of Ammonia and Nitrates

Ammonia and nitrates are the products of fish metabolic wastes as well as decomposing organic matter. If these levels rise to high levels, then they emit a very bad smell. High nitrate concentrations also influence the increase of algae; this is because it also leads to the production of more odor.

These levels can be well monitored through water testing, and appropriate measures can be taken before the smell becomes well-established.

9. Use of Low-Quality Fish Food

Some fish foods contain additives and other substances that lead to the formation of water foam and the emission of a stinking odor. Low-quality food results in wastage since, most of the time, it is not eaten while the fish produce wastes that spoil quickly.

They can also alter the type of fish food to a higher-quality one that does not cause the production of bad odor as a result of waste formation.

10. Dirty or Old Aquarium Water

In case the water in the tank has not been changed for several days, wastes, unconsumed food, and other decomposing items are produced, resulting in the production of bad smells. Stale water has a rather peculiar smell, the smell that is associated with water that has been left for a long time without being used.

Water must be exchanged from time to time to improve the cleanliness of the tank, eliminate smell, and ensure the well-being of living beings in the water.

How to Fix a Smelly Aquarium?

To eliminate the smell in the aquarium, it is advisable to introduce useful bacteria into the water. For instance, Nitrifying Bacteria by Aquavitals help in decomposing ammonia and nitrites to produce water that is odourless and clean. These bacteria are very important in breaking down wastes within the tank. Other measures that can be taken to ensure that the fish remains healthy include changing the water, feeding the fish properly, and ensuring that the filter is clean.


The presence of odor in the aquarium is an indication of poor water quality and unsuitable living conditions for the fish. The following are the causes of the odor that, if avoided, will help the fish to be healthy in the aquarium:

Therefore, the use of beneficial bacteria is one of the most convenient and efficient ways of maintaining a fresh tank. Among the products are Nitrifying Bacteria by Aquavitals, which assist in breaking down wastes that cause bad smells and hence make the environment suitable for habitation for the organisms in the water. If maintained well, your aquarium should be clean, full of colors, and free from any bad smells, ensuring a healthy environment for your pets.

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